Carol& Jim,

I think of you daily.  Each day I put you both in God's hands.  I pray that he will comfort and heal you both .. I will continue to do so.

Thoughts and prayers,

From: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:14:05 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Update on Jim

It is Saturday July 25th, I have come home to pick up mail and do some
laundry. This has been a very distressful and tiring week. On Tuesday they
did a cysto to see why he is running a temp and has blood in the urine. They did
get that done kinda on time and Dr. told me his artificial sphincter is
infected. They will get that done on Weds they said. Well it didn't happen until
Friday even tho weds and thurs they prepped him and then had to cancel. They are
hoping that they have done what they can do and we will just have to live with
this.If he can get weaned off the vent again and then master the swallowing so
he can start eating I know he can climb this mountain GOD has put in front of
him. He is the strongest man I know. Please keep up the prayers. carol and


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