I hate this hot feeling so much - do you realize how many baths and 
shampoo's I take in a week's time?    I am
     so looking forward to fall and winter.   I really seem to do better then.  
   I also suck on those frozen koolaid
     sticks that kids like in the summer.  I sit in front of a fan with it!  
Love it.    It really does help me.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bradebi 
  To: Janet Dunn ; 'Kevin Wolfthal' ; tmic-list@eskimo.com ; Janice 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

        Janice I eat ice!!!!...when I am having a flash I drink the Pepsi then 
eat the ice..all this while I am drenched with sweat and I plop down in front 
of the fan..it is a wonderful feeling isn't it!?

        -------Original Message-------

        From: Janice
        Date: 8/9/2009 8:50:37 PM
        To: Janet Dunn;  'Kevin Wolfthal';  tmic-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: Re: [TMIC] question

        Do you also have problems with just sitting in your air-conditioned  
        doing nothing, and all of a sudden you can feel yourself
        getting uncomfortably warm?     Or with some activity - like making a 
bed -
        and you start dripping with sweat?    I live in Missouri
        and the summers are really hot, the winters really cold - but it doesn't
        really matter.   I still get hit with this.   My doc says there is
        not a lot that can be done without causing other problems.    I wear a 
        on my arm - clonidine - and that is about all they can
        do for me, but it doesn't do much good.    I just have to quit whatever 
I am
        doing, sit down and drink something cold.    After a
        while, I get better.    I'm a mess!

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "Janet Dunn" <j.d...@shaw.ca>
        To: "'Kevin Wolfthal'" <wolft...@optonline.net>; <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
        Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 7:38 PM
        Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

        > Yes, I have noticed that.  It also makes the bladder issues worse.  
Glad I
        > am not alone in this.
        > I also, being a person from a northern climate, do not know how you 
        > in
        > the warmth stand the heat.
        > Too much heat and my burning bands drive me nuts.  Too much cold and I
        > have
        > trouble walking.  Maybe I need to be in a bubble.
        > Janet
        > -----Original Message-----
        > From: Kevin Wolfthal [mailto:wolft...@optonline.net]
        > Sent: August 9, 2009 2:16 PM
        > To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
        > Subject: [TMIC] question
        > Has anyone ever noticed that constipation, or not moving
        > your bowels regularly for any reason, can make other symptoms
        > worse, such as spasms?
        > Kevin



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