I also have fatigue.   I thought it was just my body not getting stronger to be 
back to normal yet.   But, after hearing you guys
talk about it, I figured out I must have it too.   If I am fairly busy in the 
morning, I can count on needing to sit with my legs up
for a good portion of the afternoon.
Also, the band you are talking about just under the breast.   I  complained to 
my doc about that and he said it was spasms.  What
he told me to do was stretch my body as far as I could get myself straight and 
even leaning backwards.   You need to stretch
out that sharp pain.  It does help me, but jeepers I hate that pain.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Janet Dunn 
  To: 'jrushton' ; 'tmic' 
  Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:13 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] question

  Hey Jeanne

  When you say that the pain starts worsening at T4 (which is where mine is) 
and you know the rest is coming, what do you mean by that?  I am finding lately 
that the fatigue is awful.  I spent yesterday morning garage saleing, and then 
the afternoon was naptime.  Today, I could hardly drag my butt out of bed, and 
I did a little yard work this afternoon, and then back to bed.  The band is 
like a jagged razor blade, under my breast.  

  I just get so tired, and so sore.  That is what frustrates me.  And yes, the 
constant work at keeping the plumbing working.  Yikes that makes me crazy.   
One thing changes in your routine, and you are down for the count for days. 

  Enough of that.






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