Nothing beats prune juice!!!

And stay away from all lemon anything!


From: Robert Pall <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 08:33:27 -0400
To: Lori Biehler <>, <>,
Amanda Diskey <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] personal problem
Resent-From: <>
Resent-Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 05:33:32 -0700

I understand that we are all different and I too have had bowel problems for
13 years. I now watch what I eat....I do not eat food that is constipating
but I do eat plenty of bran and fruit and vegtables. Lastly i have been
taking "Activa" everyday and i have a movement everyday with no problem.
Rob in New jersey

From: Lori Biehler []
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:12 AM
To:; Amanda Diskey
Subject: Re: [TMIC] personal problem

I was told to take cascara segrada, it is a natural bark that I purchased in
a health food store. That also may be the ingredient in "smooth tea". This
worked great for me, I took it every three days, just one pill though over
time the problem got worse. My gastro told me that cascara segrada actually
kills nerves with long term use, hence the problem is now worse. I wish I
had some great cure for you, it is something I have dealt with for over 12
years. Don't let yourself go to long, you don't want to get distended bowel,
if you need, use an enema.

Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:05 AM
To: Amanda Diskey <>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] personal problem

Amanda, my nero recomended a tea called "Smooth Move" you get it from
vitamam stores, I only drink 1/2 cup everyother day and it really helps


----- Original Message -----
From: "Amanda Diskey" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 7:35:49 AM
Subject: [TMIC] personal problem

I don't write very often, and I normally wouldn't talk to people about
something so personal, but I don't know who else to ask.  I have been having
problems with constipation for a long time -- and it is only getting worse.
As of right now I have been unable to go to the bathroom for five days.  I
have been taking Senokot and Miralax, plus I have been prescribed Lactulose
by  my neurologist.  I take magnesium citrate pretty often, but it really
makes me miserable when I take it.  My legs get really tight and shake
uncontrollably from being dehydrated.  My stomach actually hurts today and
I'm normally don't feel pain there.  I have been to doctors and they were no
help.  It seems like they just take my money and run because they don't have
the answer.  When I went to the gynecologist she actually asked me why I
thought I needed to have a Pap smear even though I told her I hadn't had one
in over two years.  She just didn't want to deal with me because I cannot
stand up.  I get this from a lot of doctors -- it seems like nobody wants to
deal with me.  I couldn't even find a regular family doctor-- a receptionist
at one of the doctors offices I called actually told me that she didn't
think the doctors there would be able to handle my case.  She said that if I
was a regular person that was just dealing with colds and other "normal"
illnesses, that would be fine, but she didn't think they would know what to
do to help me.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could take to
help me with this situation?  I am getting very desperate for some relief!
Thank you,
Amanda Diskey

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