sad thought Akua,,cut funding to infrastructure and system will come to a 
screaming halt!

From: Akua <>
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2011 12:31 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Cold Upstate

it's 40 degrees, all the apples are off the tree.
I just did my tax prep which i send to my
tax lady in nyc.
It is still a shock to see how much
I spend on infrastructure: catheters, wipes,powder, gloves, surgilube, etc.
stuff that doesn'tfix or ease pain but is required for the day to day


> Hi,
>    I've had tm since 8/13/95 and have tight banding all the time. It does get 
>even tighter during stressful times,and I almost can't breathe. It's been 
>awful the past few months. It's the worst part of tm for me,along with the 
>nerve pain.
>   Cheryl in gloomy Easthampton,MA.


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