Hey friends;

I am a big proponent of our checking out if wearing western or cowboy boots
can handle drop foot.  I have drop foot on the left foot.  The decision was
either to get a brace attached to a shoe that resembled a large slab of
cement painted black, or, get cowboy boots.  Well, which would you rather
have?  Boots, that you can change to match conditions and tastes, or a slab
of black concrete that becomes your only choice of footwear?

Mine are hand-made M.L. Leddy's of Fort Worth, Texas.  I had a pair almost
forty years ago; so when I got drop foot from  I thought this would be a
nice solution to the problem.  Now, I don't wear anything else. And they
completely solve the problem.

I recommend getting a good pair, the best you can afford.  Well worth the
money in comfort and convenience.


From:  Elizabeth Clark <xbeecla...@gmail.com>
Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:37:46 -0700
To:  'Susan Kleinz' <skle...@cox.net>
Cc:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Subject:  RE: [TMIC] CBS
Resent-From:  <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Resent-Date:  Mon, 31 Oct 2011 12:40:15 -0700

> Hi Susan,
> Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances ­ I am 58, married with 2
> children (20 & 22 who still live at home). I was dx¹d with TM in April of
> 2006, spent a month in a re-hab facility, and ~two years in and out of
> physical & occupational therapy. Then in 2008 & 2009, I had two surgeries on
> my right wrist/arm to improve my hand function.
> Early this year I started wearing a leg brace (when I¹m out walking a lot ­
> grocery or mall shopping, etc.). After seeing a podiatrist for an unrelated
> issue, he became interested in my Œcondition¹ and other problems I have as a
> result of TM ­ weak left leg (especially the knee), pronated arch/ankle and
> drop-foot. He recommended a new, light-weight carbon-fibre brace (made by
> Trulife in the U.K.
> http://trulife.com/all-products/orthotics/ankle-foot-orthoses/carbon-fibre-afo
> /matrix ) for my leg that has worked very well. It gives me the stability I
> need without being too heavy. I don¹t wear it around the house, but when I go
> out, it helps tremendously.
> I looked up Brown-Sequard Syndrome. The symptoms of it read very much like TM
> so I¹m curiousŠ you said you have probable MS, but were dx¹d with TM this
> year. Is that a correction to the initial BSS diagnosis of 20 years ago or in
> addition to it? 
> And the Cranial Sacral TherapyŠ I¹m very interested in it. I had many years of
> chiropractic treatments during my teens & 20¹s due to severe headaches and
> backaches caused by my Scoliosis, but finally stopped going because I had my
> spine fused (and partially because of the cost). Since then, I¹ve  considered
> going back, but the thought of someone else touching and manipulating my body
> just creeps me outŠ I have extreme sensitivity to synthetic fabrics which make
> my skin feel like it¹s crawling and being hugged by others can sometimes be
> painful. I tried acupuncture a couple years ago, but didn¹t see (or feel) any
> improvement in my condition. You mention Cranial Sacral Therapy helped you
> more than anything else. In what way ­ other than the obvious feeling of
> well-being ­ did it help you? With pain or with function? Also, do you use
> pain meds? If so, what do you use and in what dosage?
> Sorry if I sound nosy, but I¹m always interested in alternative therapies.
> Since we all seem to react differently, you never know what might work for
> you.
> Betty
> (in Northern California)
> From: Susan Kleinz [mailto:skle...@cox.net]
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:02 AM
> To: Elizabeth Clark
> Cc: kimharrison...@comcast.net; tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
> As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
> 57, married, 3 children,
> diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming
> paralyzed on left side.
> diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace
> on left leg.
> thank you for all these wonderful websites!
> my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or
> shingles shots.
> I've never had either.
> Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.
> Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
> phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.
> B 12 shots twice a week help also.
> Susan 
> Phoenix, AZ
> On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:
> Wasn¹t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race
> car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight
> against spinal cord injuries ­ and particularly TM ­ to help educate others
> about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:
> http://www.deepthrottle.com/Essays/cody_unser.shtml
> http://cufsf.org/
> http://restorative-therapies.com/codyunser
> http://www.longislandpress.com/2009/08/08/cody-unser-new-documentary-candid-ta
> ke-on-paralysis/
> http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/film_chronicle_of_cody_unse
> rs_9_year_struggle_with_paralyzing_transverse_myelitis_premieres_june_2
> Betty
> (in Northern California)
> From: kimharrison...@comcast.net [mailto:kimharrison...@comcast.net]
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> Cc: transverse myelitis
> Subject: Re: [TMIC] CBS
> Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it
> http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-20126766/scuba-diving-could-raise-hope-f
> or-the-paralyzed/
> From: "James Berg" <molokai...@gmail.com>
> To: "transverse myelitis" <tmic-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
> Subject: [TMIC] CBS
> Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving?  another
> possibility.

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