
Craniosacral therapy relieved pain and a hugely distended abdomen (which I hid for 8 months.)

The fascia under our skin is like a net holding everything in. It gets "kinked" Myofascial release (having to do with relaxing the fascia as it interfaces with the muscle and craniosacral - having to do with the cranium, dura, spinal cord and dural sack.)The therapist finds the beginning and ending of these "kinks" or restrictions and releases the tightness. This takes pressure off the fascial system, decreasing the symptoms.

I recently had a brace made for my left leg which has increased my balance tremendously. It is for "drop foot" and picks my foot up automatically. Also, have orthodics for high arch.

Susan - Phoenix

On Oct 31, 2011, at 12:24 PM, pjv1...@chartermi.net wrote:

HI Susan,
Thank you for the information. I smiled when I read your diagnosis of Brown Sequard Syndrome, because it reminded me of the first time it was used by a neuro in my presence. I was seeing the neuro who diagnosed me in the hospotal with TM but his office was 70 miles away. I asked my PCP for a referral to a neuro closer to home. The new neuro spoke into his recorder during my visit and said, "Patient has Brown Sequard Syndrome. I was stressed and said "No, I'm here for Transverse Myelitis". He was annoyed with me for interrupting him. I asked the office manager to find out what the new term was and looked it up when I got home. Duh! They could have saved me a lot of worry if it had been explained it wasn't yet another ugly illness and just the symptoms my body portrayed. TM has been a learning experience regarding all the medical terminology.

Now I need to look up cranial sacral therapy.  How has it helped you?

Patti  - Michigan

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Susan Kleinz wrote:

  As "newbe" to this website, I'm Susan Kleinz
57, married, 3 children,
diagnosed 20 years ago with Brown Sequard Syndrome, probable MS after becoming paralyzed on left side.

diagnosed Feb. of this year with Transverse Myeliltis. - can walk with a brace on left leg.

thank you for all these wonderful websites!

my neurologist at Barrows Neurological Clinics in Phoenix AZ says - no flu or shingles shots.
I've never had either.

Tried 10 sessions of acupuncture... no clue if it helped.

Many sessions of Cranial Sacral Therapy by RCST certified therapist -
phenomenal results - helped more than anything I have tried.

B 12 shots twice a week help also.

Phoenix, AZ

On Oct 28, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Elizabeth Clark wrote:

Wasn’t that a GREAT news bite? Cody Unser is an amazing girl (daughter of race car driver, Al Unser, Jr.) and has several websites dedicated to the fight against spinal cord injuries – and particularly TM – to help educate others about our dreaded condition. Check out the following:




http://www.longislandpress.com/2009/08/08/cody-unser-new- documentary-candid-take-on-paralysis/

http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/ film_chronicle_of_cody_unsers_9_year_struggle_with_paralyzing_transver se_myelitis_premieres_june_2

(in   Northern California )


From:   kimharrison...@comcast.net[ mailto:kimharrison...@comcast.net]
Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 2:48 PM
To:   tmic-list@eskimo.com
Cc:   transverse myelitis
Subject:   Re: [TMIC] CBS

Yes, here is the CBS link if anyone needs it
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18563_162-20126766/scuba-diving-could- raise-hope-for-the-paralyzed/

From:   "James Berg" < molokai...@gmail.com>
To:   "transverse myelitis" < tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent:   Friday, October 28, 2011 5:39:19 PM
Subject:   [TMIC] CBS

Did anyone see the CBS News piece on TM and Scuba diving? another possibility.

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