

I loved your sentence on shoes.  I have done the same thing, able to return a 
lot, thank god.  It’s even worse with socks, I think I tried every kind of 
sock, finally gave up, haven’t worn socks for 3 years.  Just recently I tried a 
pair of good silk socks, depending on the day I can handle them for an hour or 


The shoes I found best for me are the Easy Spirit Travel time line.  I must 
have 12-15 pairs in different colors and materials (on top outside of shoe), at 
least it gives some variety.  They are also slip-ons (clogs) so I can take them 
off as soon as I sit.


I can only wear one kind of pants, all cotton knit, so of course I have many 
colors of same pants.  I feel kind of funny wearing the same pants to work all 
the time.  The winters are hell as these pants are not thick or warm.  At least 
I have free rein when it comes to tops.  So not all is bad, got to keep this 
positive attitude otherwise don’t know what would happen.


I started taking Ampyra and it really has improved the speed of my walking.  At 
first it killed me because it seemed to increase my needles, burning, etc.  
Since its purpose is to increase nerve conductivity it kind of made sense.  It 
hurt too much so I cut the dose in half as my neurologist said he would like me 
to stick it out if I could.  After a month or so, I went back to full dosage 
because my walking seemed to be improving.  The pain slightly more than normal 
but that has reversed and I believe the pain is slightly less.  My New Year’s 
resolution is to reduce baclofen/Neurontin from 4x a day to 3x a day.  I am 
also trying to eat healthy.  I feel better when I do.


This video from a doctor who got TM really inspired me.  I had already seen a 
nutritionist and started to lose some weight and this video is similar to what 
I’ve already started.  It is amazing how this woman healed with mostly diet 
changes that effect mitochondria. 


Minding Your Mitochondria is the link below to this Doctors amazing journey 
with MS.




Make it a great day,


Long Island, NY


From: Gillian Clark [mailto:mingalett...@activ8.net.au] 
Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 7:31 PM
To: TM list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles


Thanks for you endorsement Patti, I think that mostly the "new" tmers are not 
understanding how important it is to pay attention to these things.  My 
wardrobe is now limited to clothes made from materials that hurt the least, 
shoes, same quality. I just gave up trying to dress the way I used to, the 
elevation in the pain level was just not worth it.


I swear I have more shoes than Imelda Millipede in my wardrobe as I try and 
find that perfect pair :).


Wrinkles, heat, cold, so many things that you learn to look out for. Things 
that you would never have paid any attention to in your previous life, BTM.


----- Original Message ----- 

From:  <mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net> pjv1...@chartermi.net 

To:  <mailto:mingalett...@activ8.net.au> Gillian Clark 

Cc:  <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> TM list 

Sent: Sunday, January 01, 2012 1:52 PM

Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles



You are right to remide us about cothes, shoes and sock contributing to our TM 
pain.  I think I've posted for eight straight winters that wearing blue jeans 
in cold weather puts me right to bed due the the intense pain the cold material 
causes. New TMers beware! It isn't just the heat that causes additional painful 
sensations.  The cold weather causes its own set of problems.  


Patti - Michigan  

On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 3:05 AM, Gillian Clark wrote:


 John, the sad fact is that  nothing really takes it away, I have so far racked 
up a bit over 10 years of  it. 


I must say though that I do  believe it has decreased somewhat.  Either that or 
I'm just used to  it. 


I don't do meds as all they  did was make me completely spaced out or zombie 
like and the pain was still  there.  Strangely enough, just the everyday little 
old aspro or Panadol  help.  Maybe because they concentrate on any other 
unrelated pain that then  lessons the tm residuals.  I have no idea why, I just 
know that's what  happens for me. 


There are other external  causes.  The shoes you wear, your socks (always wear 
them inside out), the  clothes you wear, particularly the type of material.  I 
found that by  paying attention to these things, I can lesson (not by a whole 
lot) these  annoying freeze/burn feelings. 



----- Original Message ----- 

From:  <javascript:parent.wgMail.openComposeWindow('jcs...@yahoo.com')> john 

To:  <javascript:parent.wgMail.openComposeWindow('molokai...@gmail.com')> James 
Berg;  <javascript:parent.wgMail.openComposeWindow('pjv1...@chartermi.net')> 

Cc:  <javascript:parent.wgMail.openComposeWindow('tmic-list@eskimo.com')> tmic

Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 7:47    AM 

Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE Pins and    Needles 


was    talking with the neurologist yesterday about the buzzing,vibrating 
feeling    that sometimes go all the way into my chest but stays mainly in my 
legs and    feet,,,,when its not buzzing it is burning. he called it something 
but i    failed to write it down. 


I    tried MJ but for me,,,it made it intensify! 


nothing    i have taken to date has had any positive effect on that symptom. 


creams,muscle rubs,neuronton,baclofen,  Xanax ,valium,Lyrica    alcohol,MJ.   

scratch    that off my to do list. 



From: James Berg    < <mailto:molokai...@gmail.com> molokai...@gmail.com> 

To:  <mailto:pjv1...@chartermi.net> pjv1...@chartermi.net 

Cc: tmic < <mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com> tmic-list@eskimo.com> 

Sent: Friday, December 30,    2011 4:05 PM 

Subject: Re:    [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles 


Gerry and Pati--you can control the cost by buying your meds a River    
Pharmacy--out of India--they are honest and the drug is quality 



On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 6:01 PM, <  
pjv1...@chartermi.net> wrote: 


Many of us faced the same      thing.  Movement and feeling also brought the 
feeling of pins and      needles.  


I've taken Lyrica for about      three years - it helps a lot.  I don't know 
about side effects except      the cost can empty your wallet.  I would have 
stuck with gabapentin,      but it was unpredictable.  Lyrica starts working 
witin 15      minutes.  Gabapenten took an hour or two to work. 


The best pan reliever is      laughter and the posts I read tonight relieved my 
pain for a while.  


The antidepressant,      Cymbalta, might help with the pins and needles.  Of 
course, it's      another drug with a lot of side effects.  


Pati -      Michigan 

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