I buy my shoes mostly online from Rivers.  I've found they are the best for me, 
mule type of course and I have to make sure to check they have no fancy shmancy 
stitching around the innersole, that plays havoc.

In winter for my "good" pants, I have Ponte pants from Damart, of course they 
might still be too thin for your climate. For the farm I have the trackies with 
no cuff around the bottom, they look ok for going out in too. 

In summer at home and with family and close friends, I wear leggings, like the 
gym or yoga pants made from interlock cotton. Good pants are a bit harder to 
come by.

Silk is not a goer for me because of the "swishing" if it moves on me I'm 
almost instantly a cripple.  Same with the wrong shoes or wrong material.  I 
used to live in jeans, took me quite a while to realise they were at least 
doubling my pain level.

Love and light,
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Deb Monteleone 
  To: 'Gillian Clark' ; 'TM list' 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 10:37 AM
  Subject: RE: [TMIC] RE Pins and Needles



  I loved your sentence on shoes.  I have done the same thing, able to return a 
lot, thank god.  It’s even worse with socks, I think I tried every kind of 
sock, finally gave up, haven’t worn socks for 3 years.  Just recently I tried a 
pair of good silk socks, depending on the day I can handle them for an hour or 


  The shoes I found best for me are the Easy Spirit Travel time line.  I must 
have 12-15 pairs in different colors and materials (on top outside of shoe), at 
least it gives some variety.  They are also slip-ons (clogs) so I can take them 
off as soon as I sit.


  I can only wear one kind of pants, all cotton knit, so of course I have many 
colors of same pants.  I feel kind of funny wearing the same pants to work all 
the time.  The winters are hell as these pants are not thick or warm.  At least 
I have free rein when it comes to tops.  So not all is bad, got to keep this 
positive attitude otherwise don’t know what would happen.


  I started taking Ampyra and it really has improved the speed of my walking.  
At first it killed me because it seemed to increase my needles, burning, etc.  
Since its purpose is to increase nerve conductivity it kind of made sense.  It 
hurt too much so I cut the dose in half as my neurologist said he would like me 
to stick it out if I could.  After a month or so, I went back to full dosage 
because my walking seemed to be improving.  The pain slightly more than normal 
but that has reversed and I believe the pain is slightly less.  My New Year’s 
resolution is to reduce baclofen/Neurontin from 4x a day to 3x a day.  I am 
also trying to eat healthy.  I feel better when I do.


  This video from a doctor who got TM really inspired me.  I had already seen a 
nutritionist and started to lose some weight and this video is similar to what 
I’ve already started.  It is amazing how this woman healed with mostly diet 
changes that effect mitochondria. 


  Minding Your Mitochondria is the link below to this Doctors amazing journey 
with MS.




  Make it a great day,


  Long Island, NY


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