One additional question (for now)...

How does it work having two duets hooked up with two remotes? I would
prefer to have a remote for each receiver since they would be located on
two different floors within our house. The appeal of going upstairs to
get the remote to listen to music downstairs is no appeal at all.

Hopefully I understand this properly (correct me if I am wrong) If I
were to use two powerline adapters, one where each duet would be
located, that would hopefully take the bad WiFi in my house out of the
equation. With this setup, only the remotes would be using the WiFi to
control the receivers? So as long as each remote had a good WiFi signal,
I should theoretically have fewer problems...It sounds too good to be

With the powerline adapters, do these eat up bandwidth within your
network or simply eat up the connection of your entire network to the
internet. In other words, with two duets playing via powerline adapters,
would the speed with which our laptops connect to the router take a hit
or simply the speed that our router connects to the internet? I am sure
I am not wording this properly and I am probably confusing myself more
than helping!

The other benefit of using powerline adapters (I believe) is I could
move the time capsule downstairs and as long as it plugs directly into
the powerline adapter, it could be used to expand our wifi network. That
would help the downstairs duet controller and our laptops stay

Lastly, good point snarlydwarf. I never thought about the implications
of adding another network within the area of our current network. I can
see this being a problem, especially if our problem is caused by

One more question (sorry for so many), how well do NAS work with the
duet? Another goal of mine is to not have to leave all our music on our
laptops and not having to leave the laptops on to listen to the MP3s. Is
it difficult hooking up the NAS and the duet? 

Wow, I like how one more question from me has become another long post.
I really do appreciate all the help and information. Thanks again. I am
off to research powerline adapters!   


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