On 2009-12-15, at 6:31 PM, snarlydwarf wrote:

> kdf;496046 Wrote: 
>> Complaints will always be.  If it's a non-leaked immediate release,
>> recent
>> buyers are livid that they weren't warned.  If there is no talk of
>> release, posters start complaining that the product line isn't active
>> enough.  If devs are spending their time posting, people complain code
>> isn't moving fast enough, etc.  In nearly all cases, there will be one
>> or
>> two who will take it to extreme hyperbole.
> If it comes out late, people complain that development/qa is too slow.
> If it comes out early, people complain that not enough development or
> qa was done.

heh.  I tend to think of it as "until it comes out..." and "when it comes 
out..." respectively :)

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