erland;496041 Wrote: 
> Have you tried calling your retailer where you pre-ordered the product
> ?
> That would be the logical place for Logitech to make official
> information available. This is just a community forum where some members
> of the Logitech team happens to be moderators and members in.
> If you want a accurate date, you can't get a better one than from one
> of the lead developers who really knows what's left to do. 
> If you want an official date, you really need to contact the retailer
> that let you pre-order the product. I suppose this would be some
> Logitech sales person of some kind. This sales person would also be the
> logical place to forward your complaints to, but I suppose you have
> already done this ?

Hi Erland,
First, my order was placed DIRECTLY with Logitech  -  you should try
contacting them as a customer and see what response you get  -  believe
me it isn't a very enlightening experience. But that is missing the
point  -  as a customer who has ordered a product and forwarded payment
for it, is owed, at the very least, reliable information on it's
delivery, and this information should be supplied automatically and not
have to be begged for.
I have spent 50 years working in the manufacturing industry,in fairly
high level positions, picking up ideas on how they function on the way.
Basically, the management board devise the strategy, make someone
responsible for making it happen and allocate the resources (financial,
physical and personnel) to facilitate this.
The normal way this functions is that Developers get on with
developing, not with stopping developing to respond to forum questions 
-  no wonder everything is running later and later. The person
responsible for executing the strategy creates a team with the aim of 
everything coming together at an agreed date. The Sales and Marketing
guys then do their bit with the aim of getting the market poised to
respond on the agreed date (possibly plus a contingency period).
Apparently there is no problem with the hardware so the Production guys
have done what they should. It's all about creating a team that works
and what Logitech have created for the Touch is a disfunctional 'team'
and a complete shambles.
It is not the job of a developer, no matter how senior or 'in the
know', to provide product release dates. That is the job of an official
'public face' of the company, otherwise the company can continue to do
exactly what Logitech are doing, namely hide behind the statement that
they have not missed any launch date because they've never officially
issued one.
The release of the Touch has been a complete and utter shambles and for
anyone to try and protest otherwise is ridiculous, IMHO.

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