JohnSwenson;688733 Wrote: 
> Do NOT attempt any of this by "hot plugging", plugging in the DAC or hub
> with the Touch powered up. It won't physically hurt anything, but it
> won't work properly if hot plugged. 
Yes for hot plugging to work the jive application would need to support
restarting with a new output interface.  As it is at boot time it claims
the output device and so we need to have the usb dac available at that
Hence I think anything which doesn't mess with the jive app needs to
assume the dac is there when you start up touch.  [so I've ruled out
hotpluging as something to target for the moment]

The playback solution uses the updated jive_alsa backend which supports
sending data direct to the dac, bypassing the plug layer.

> I tried kernel #2 out with an old adaptive (2706 based) DAC and it did
> not work at all, the Touch just continually rebooted (whether plugged
> into the hub or direct). I haven't had time to do any debugging on
> this. I haven't had time to try this DAC out with kernel #1.  
I supsect this is more of a problem with the device name and bit depth
- try editting /etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua
direct to change the sample size and output device name then reboot? 
The USB Audio Applet is responsble for setting this - if you can find
the right things to parse out of /proc/asound/ to get the settings then
I will uptdate.

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