tufty;691078 Wrote: 
> I had TT3.0 installed with Logitech priorities and buffersize of
> 20000... I did not take it off first, and it doesn't appear to be
> interfering. Is it actually doing anything when playing out on USB?
Yes the TT priorisation will intefer as it overrides a priority change
the USB applet makes to ensure the Usb irq process is real time
priority (it is not by default or in the TT mods as its not expected to
be used for audio).  Buffer tuning should not matter in terms of
dropouts as long as the priority is set.  Though YMMV in terms of
whether you detect audio difference - in which case try my bind test
applet too...

> 1) On regular CD FLAC rips, they read as 44.1k and 16-bit on CDQ
> 2) ...unless I am using ReplayGain adjustment, in which case it will
> display as 22-bit or 23-bit depending on how aggressively it is being
> volume-adjusted.
> 3) 48k 24-bit material I have always says 24-bit regardless of
> ReplayGain setting.
This is down to the audiolab code (well lakewests's usb code - suggest
you ask in more detail on pinkfish).  My understanding is that it will
indicate the bit depth based on whether it sees data in the bits - so
although 24 bit audio is send from Touch if its from a CD and has no
processing then you will see it as 16 bit.  If you have RG enabled then
squeezeplay is doing some processing and so there may be more bits.  If
you use a lossy codec you probably also see more bits as the codec in
Touch is outputting 24 bits.

And as far as jitter - the theory with async usb is that the clock is
generated in the dac.  As JohnW would say first order impact of jitter
is removed, but there's still scope for 2nd order things to mean
noise/RF couples from the SBT to the dac.  You could try a usb
issolator to reduce this.

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