Michael D.,


I think you guys are not only too sneaky, but MUCH more feisty than I am!!! Consider your cover “blown”. J Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of michael douglas
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 8:30 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Message-bearers



 ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No offense, Michael D, but I don’t really take your opinion too seriously,


Michael D: Hey, Izzy, there's probably some good advice for me somewhere in there... You know, we are encouraged not to take ourselves too seriously :-)  By your own admission you are very feisty, so I suppose you follow that course yourself  :-) If I am successful, then, probably we will have something in common... :-)

I see David M has given filled you and TT in on my background. Incognito was a good platform for me on TT. He blew my cover :-).  I guess he feels that the covert mission was accomplished!!! LOLOL.

I don't have to address him as Mr. Phelps (Mission Impossible) any more...

Anyway, to help fill in the picture, I am number 11 of eleven children. Thank God alll are alive today. My parents, God sparing their lives, will celebrate 65 years of marriage on Dec 30th. It's been a long road for them... My Dad now battles a bit of alzheimers, and by the grace of God, has not been as bad as many. He will be 87 on Chistmas Day (Imagine that...

Right, Glenn  :-) )

Do I still have to address your concerns about knowing where the fourth commandment is? (Incidentally, I am not aware of indicating that I sis not know where it was, can you fill me in on that?)


Izzy, I have never condemned you, or anyone for following the Sabbath. I have stressed over and over that it is up to one's conscience, as Paul said. You have intimated as much yourself in some of your posts.              I have come out strongly, though, against Marlin, or anyone else, requiring it of others as a general fulfillment of obeying  God today. This is exactly what Paul did.  I do encourage you or any one else to at least read Galatians, prayerfully, if not Romans 3-10, and I Timothy 1. I do this in love, not in callousness or arrogance, but in a concern about the truth of God's Word.

My point is that there is no Sabbath day requirement in the NT. Neither Saturday, nor Sunday, We are free to put more weight on which ever day we feel, or God has convicted us to. There is a sabbath however, as Hebrews 4 states, but if the context is read, it will be seen to be the rest of faith.

God bless, Izzy.



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