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No conviction here -  just a question?  What do you do on Saturday when your kids or grandkids have a soccer game,  basketball game, want to go to the zoo, or your family wants to go somewhere?   What do you do when you need to clean out your gutters and you need help and your son in law works M-F


Laura, What did the Israelites do? Heaven forbid that the Lord would ask us to inconvenience ourselves! J  Actually, I would go to the zoo with my family. When I have to choose between being with family and not, I always err on the side of being with family. I just wouldn’t make a habit of running around on the Sabbath. And doing good works on the Sabbath is allowed. Some folks are more strict than others; it’s a matter of individual conscience. We don’t want to develop a set of “rules” like the Talmud. We just want to obey the spirit of the law.  Izzy




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