No offense, Michael D, but I don’t really take your opinion too seriously, since you didn’t even know where to find the 4th Commandment. You cannot understand the NT well if you are uninformed about the OT. It leaves you open to misunderstanding His word. They are not two separate books; they are one.  And, again I repeat, you obviously have not read, or do not believe what I have said in previous posts. I am not in bondage. I am not suggesting that you do anything; you are a free agent. How long have you been a Christian?  Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of michael

Dear Izzy,


God is more concerned with the conscience than with going through man-made rules of  "obedience," which have a form of godliness in will worship.  Jesus, who never sinned, was constantly being accused of breaking the Sabbath of the OT by His adversaries.  It is carnal men, who take something beautiful, the Sabbath that God made, and pollute it with their own ideas about what it is. 

Michael D: Again I say it is a sad day, and a grave deception, when men try to place yokes and requirements on believers that God has no part in.

Paul said that one man esteems all days alike, another esteems one above another (Rom 14). Let every one be persuaded in his own mind.


Now, ALL days means ALL days, not all except the sabbath(s). He said each person is free to put differing weights on all days. 

Marlin, I am sorry to say this, but I fell I must. You are in a grave deception. You are preaching bondage and not the gospel of Christ. You twist the scriptures inspite of all the clear teaching of the NT on the place and purpose of the law, trying to bring people back to a bondage from which Christ has set us free. This grieves the heart of the Holy Spirit greatly.

I sent a post where Paul clearly states that whatsoever the law says it says to them that are under the law. He further stated that we are not under the law, but under grace. Where do you get the presumption to say now that we must go back under the law? You are corrupting the gospel of Christ: which Paul says all throughout the NT re law adherent preachers. Let me plainly state that there is no beauty in requiring the sabbath(s) of any one, it is abomination. I say these things not in malice, but to defend the liberty that God gives in Christ.

Listen to Paul in Galatians 3, ...If there had been a law given that could have given life, then righteousness would have been by the law!!!!! He also states that God has revealed a righteousness without the law through faith in Christ.!!!! Further, in Galatians 3 Paul says that the law was given till the promise should come who is Christ. There was a time frame for the usefulness of the law. It is explicitly stated here. 

Paul told us to cast out the bond woman and her son. To pursue the law would be to bring her back and offend God!!!

I encourage everyone who wants to be crystal clear about our responsibility towards th law to read Galatians carefully, and Romans 3 through 8 and I Timothy 1. All the answers can be found in there. These are the main passages the Lord used to give me an understanding re the dilemma I faced many years ago.


I can go on and on like I have done in this discussuon, but suffice it to say: If you require obedience to the law, then you have fallen from grace.




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