-----Original Message-----

 Salvation is not obtained by obedience.  Salvation is by grace through faith.  Salvation IS NOT OF WORKS.  Eph. 2:8-9.   Obedience to the OT Sabbath has NOTHING to do with going to heaven.  

Glenn, I agree that obeying or not obeying the 4th Commandment will not decide whether or not one will go to heaven. That is not the issue. Perhaps the issue is how far can one go in disobedience before grieving the Holy Spirit, and losing fellowship with God? I have never been one to believe “Once saved, always saved.” I’ve seen too many “born-again Christians” fall into sin and out of relationship with the Lord. I take obedience very seriously, because I don’t take my walk with the Lord for granted. Each small step towards, or away from, obedience is VERY important.

On the positive side, I take very seriously the blessings associated with obedience—foremost is pleasing Him! Izzy

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