Izzy wrote:
> David, Wow; what an impressive man of God.  
> Do you  know if he was a Sabbath keeper?

:-)  Hubert was a very big dispensationalist.  He wrote a two volume set
whose entire purpose was to illustrate the difference between the
"kingdom of heaven" and the "kingdom of God."  Hubert believed that not
understanding this led to all manner of misunderstandings of Scripture.
The four gospels he considered irrelevant for the church.  Jesus came to
the lost sheep of Israel and so the gospels pertain to the kingdom of
heaven, whose rejection led to the current church age.  If believers did
not understand this distinction of dispensations, Hubert believed that
their theology would forever be confusing and illogical.

Hubert was against doing anything that would be remotely Jewish.  For
this reason, he not only rejected Sabbath Keeping in the Seventh Day
Adventist sense of observance, but like Quakers, he rejected water
baptism because it was a Jewish ritual.  He basically stressed the
Pauline epistles as being THE Scriptures for the church age.  His
viewpoint was that Paul was not sent to baptize, so neither should
Christians go forth baptizing.  He stressed faith that comes from
hearing God's Word.  Hubert had this very clear view that sinners were
vile and despicable, but they were that way because of original sin.
They couldn't help it.  Hubert often stressed this in his preaching. He
would say to a student with a smile on his face, "You are a poor,
miserable, wretched wicked sinner! You have never done one good thing
for God.  You hate God.  God bless your dirty heart!"  Hubert believed
strongly in the sovereignty of God to save sinners, so until God
unveiled himself to sinners, they had no choice but to go right on
sinning.  So he boldly rebuked and scolded sinners in the harshest
terms.  Because of his theology, while he appeared on the surface to be
extremely harsh and condemning, there was this attitude that people
could sense that he truly loved everyone.

Hubert had no tolerance for Christians who continued to sin.  For
Hubert, it was all or nothing.  Christians don't sin period, and anybody
who thought otherwise were ignorant of the Scriptures. Hubert taught
strongly that there was no such thing as a carnal Christian.  A
so-called "carnal Christian" was someone who still lived under the
Adamic nature and was therefore not in Christ.  You can't be in Christ
and continue to live under the Adamic nature.

A common phrase of Hubert's was, "you are ignorant!"  Students despised
that, but Hubert was a walking concordance and could quote chapter and
verse for any passage that students attempted to bring up.  He would
quote the texts verbatim on the spot, so his phrase "you are ignorant"
carried a lot of weight and made students stop and think just how
ignorant they were of the Bible.  Hubert also had an incredible sense of
humor which he used to diffuse the hostility toward him that was
generated from his crude and direct remarks. I have never known anyone
who was faster on his feet with a humorous comeback to some mocking
remark by a student. 

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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