>Ruth's choice was not a chancy thing
well, what was it, then, if not a covenent(?)--
what are you tryin' to do with this issue?
gary ottoson :: http://poet235.com
jt:  I don't know how you understand the word
covenant Gary or how David Brooks understands it
for that matter.  He apparently applies it to the
marriage agreement and this is the closest thing
we have in our society to a Biblical covenant.
However, there is nothing magical about marriage
in and of itself, that is, without the blessing and
grace of God which would never be bestowed
from on high if a marriage involved two men.
Ruth did not marry Naomi - therefore she did
not 'covenant' with her even if we do use Mr.
Brooks understanding of the word. A Biblical
covenant is to the death which ideally marriage
should be but is not in our culture and in our time.


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