g, the NYTimes and PBS doesn’t have the slightest CLUE what a conservative is.  They probably think Howard Dean is conservative.  By the way, I didn’t know you were a homo.  Should have known, since you hate Bush so much.  (That’s pretty funny—I really didn’t intend it that way!) Izzy  (At least you aren’t a watered down Christian like j, who has no hatred of evil, but is really into warm,cozy feelings and understanding sinners. Jesus called it “lukewarm”.  Passions go both ways.  Much hatred for evil = much capacity for love. Minus that, we are left with linquini-spined, New Age Christianity.)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Did Lot preach to Sodom?


Do you realize who David Brooks is? Ask your husband (the one you choose not to covenant with:) Actually, if you (two)  prove the 'distortion' [sic], below, you could sully Brooks' substantial conservative, editiorial credibility at the _New York Times_ (and PBS) which liberals like Paul Krugman and Mark Shields've been tryin' to do for years. Have at it:)

gary ottoson :: http://poet235.com


On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 16:14:04 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

so, what is his point?


On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 18:06:16 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brooks distorts scripture to try and use it to make his point ..

so yes, that did get lost.



true--the sense of the scripture in Brooks' article


On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 17:44:56 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Something got lost


gary ottoson :: http://poet235.com


gary ottoson :: http://poet235.com

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