Rofl!!! Iz


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 6:58 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Did Lot preach to Sodom?


From: "Carrolll Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

g, the NYTimes and PBS doesnt have the slightest CLUE what a conservative is.  They probably think Howard Dean is conservative.  By the way, I didnt know you were a homo.  Should have known, since you hate Bush so much.  (Thats pretty funnyI really didnt intend it that way!) Izzy  (At least you arent a watered down Christian like j, who has no hatred of evil, but is really into warm,cozy feelings and understanding sinners. Jesus called it lukewarm.  Passions go both ways.  Much hatred for evil = much capacity for love. Minus that, we are left with linquini-spined, New Age Christianity.)


Dean writes:

I think I missed something here-Gary are you a Sodomite/Homo?If not then who is this Homo reference aimed at?


Judy writes:

It is the fruit if Izzy's fertile imagination Dean; she has not yet learned to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.  What Gary is or is not is between him and the Lord, our responsibility is to love Him.  This list has become kind of like the inquisition and it is not a 'safe place' for anyone to disclose anything other than self-righteousness in Christ's name.




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