even talk like yer wearin' an  FG t-shirt ,Dean, and look what transpires <lol>; doesn't this sort  of (moderator originated!!) ad hominem  go with the wardrobe? <rof>
Dean writes:
Works the same way out on the street bro-Trust me- Get one-one must wear it to believe it opens even your eyes and theirs:-)
...remember when they said JCs got a demon?
 Yes Bro-Good point-how can his divided kingdom stand-right? Glad to hear that.
The Psalmist had known about that sorta stuff; said 'roll your [prophetic, eschatological, economic, etc.] burden on the Lord [who as we've seen, by his behavior/responses to certain caustic NT people, is quite capable of burnin' and sufferin' along with his loved ones]'--o yeh--'HE will sustain you' <--Abe's 'offspring':)    l, g
True once those burdens are laid down or at least fought against to the best of one's ability-Rev.3:3 Here is one in sin but fighting-A sinner but holding onto God and saved.But the fighter must be giving his all to the fight-with Godly fear

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