Marlin wrote:
> I did not write that, Izzy did.

Sorry about that Marlin.  Yes, Izzy wrote what was quoted.  I meant to
write Izzy but I was thinking ahead about you so I accidentally wrote
"Marlin."  I guess my typing hands went on auto pilot.  Sorry about

Also, I want to apologize for saying that you won't discuss this matter.
This post here certainly does, but in the past you have not discussed
it. I came across a little hard and I am sorry for that.  I hope you
understand that I prefer discussion over throwing lots of reading
material at us.  

David Miller wrote:
>> Say what? Are you trying to say that I am a false 
>> Christ because I claim that Jesus is the Christ?

Marlin wrote:
> I do not know whether Jesus was referring to you or not.  
> That is between you and Him.  I merely believe what Jesus 
> said about those who would use his name after His departure 
> to heaven.  
> ... MAT 24:5 {For many shall come in my name, saying, 
> I am Christ; and shall deceive many.}

But what seems odd in what you wrote was that they would say that Jesus
is the Christ, and then at the same time say that they are the Christ.
The false Christs, the ones coming bearing his name as their own, do not
say that Jesus is the Christ, do they?  

Marlin wrote:
> Why do the many wish to learn the way of the heathen 
> in order to remember Jesus?  The scripture says 
> "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the 
> heathen....." [JER 10:2] 

Clearly this Word was spoken to Israel concerning the heathen nations
which cut down trees and built false gods out of them.  This in no way
corresponds to Gentiles celebrating Christmas, the birth of Jesus
Christ.  The similarity of trees being involved is no more compelling to
your argument than if they were building a house out of the trees and
you were against building houses out of trees.

Marlin wrote: 
> Jesus did leave a record of something to do in 
> remembrance of Him.  It had nothing to do with 
> cutting down trees or celebrating his birth.  
> It instead focuses upon the tree upon which He 
> was hung, upon His death, and upon His resurrection, 
> His earnest desire to keep the Passover with His 
> disciples, and His ascension to the Father on the 
> wave sheaf day.

But you make it sound like one substitutes Christmas for the Eucharist.
That is not at all what happens.  In fact, many churches celebrate the
Eucharist on Christmas Eve. They are not mutually exclusive

Hanukah was not a divinely commanded celebration.  Do you think Hanukah
is wrong because it was not something which Jesus commanded?  Isn't it
true that Jesus celebrated Hanukah?  Doesn't that suggest that Jesus was
not against celebrating holidays that were not commanded through divine
revelation? If the people of their own accord, by their own hearts of
thanksgiving and praise to their Creator celebrate his birth and all
that he has given us, what is that to you? Why would you oppose it?  Why
would God oppose it?

Marlin wrote:
> I'll take the real remembrance over a counterfeit any day.  

What do you mean, "real remembrance" over a counterfeit?  What is the
real remembrance of his birth? Do you or anybody else know?

Marlin wrote:
> If any man asks, I will tell them of the real 
> remembrance, and not a counterfeit.  

Well then, tell us.  What is the real remembrance of which you speak?

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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