David Miller wrote:

> David Miller wrote:
> >> Jesus was convicted of being seditious.
> > A trumped up charge.......
> Of course, but from my perspective, street preachers often suffer
> similar trumped up charges.  Now I grant you that there are loony
> zealots out there too that act inappropriately, but I don't think we are
> talking about them.

DAVEH:  I thought we are specifically talking about them.  How do you distinguish a 
"loony zealots" from a "normal" street preachers who behave in the same way???   If it 
quacks like a duck......

> DaveH wrote:
> > "And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests
> > and the rulers and the people, Said unto them, Ye have
> > brought this man unto me, AS ONE THAT PERVERTETH THE PEOPLE:
> > and, behold, I, having examined him before you, have found
> > no fault in this man touching those things whereof
> > ye accuse him: No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him,
> > and, lo, nothing worth of death is done unto him."
> > Lk 23:13-15
> Notice the accusation:  one that perverteth the people.  This is the
> same accusation leveled against street preachers.

DAVEH:  I've never heard such, but then again.....I'm not out listening to street 
preachers.  Right off hand, I don't know why those who do listen to them would think 
such.  Don't a lot of the folks who listen know and admit to their own perversions?  
would they cast the same accusation about the street preachers?  To me it doesn't make 
a lot of sense, but I may be wrong due to my lack of firsthand knowledge of what 
transpires at such events.

> DaveH wrote:
> >> Realize that when you read the Scriptures, you
> >> are reading the positive side of the event.
> > And that account does not to me portray Jesus as
> > being obnoxious, even to his enemies.  Are you
> > suggesting the Bible does not accurately depict
> > our Lord?
> Of course not.  The Bible is accurate.  I believe Carroll's account of a
> preaching event would be accurate too, but it would never present it as
> some obnoxious event.

> The one's who characterize it as such are those
> who oppose the message.
> > Because Satan motivated them to do so in an effort
> > to thwart the Plan of Salvation.
> That's right, just like Satan motivates people like Pagan Wolf to setup
> street preachers to get arrested.
> David Miller wrote:
> >> Do you really believe that it was because they
> >> were peacefully and quietly going door to door
> >> and talking with those who would invite them in?
> > Yes, I do.
> Do your Mormon missionaries suffer this kind of persecution?  I don't
> hear about them getting thrown into prison.  Is Jeff in prison right now
> for spreading the gospel?

DAVEH:  LOL.......Naw.....I think Jeff is in a pretty tame place.  If he ends up in 
jail, it will probably be due to something goofy he will do totally unrelated to 

    To answer your serious question.......It is not often our missionaries end up in 
jail due to religious persecution.  But I occasionally hear of harm coming to them 
that shouldn't.  The Church takes precautions to protect them as much as possible, so
the negative events are relatively rare.

> DaveH wrote:
> > Have you not preached on the street in a peaceful
> > non threatening manner, and not had some whacko
> > want to do physical harm to you?
> >From my perspective, I ALWAYS preach in a peaceful, non-threatening
> manner,

DAVEH:  If you taught with a 'vengeance', do you think you would do a lot of harm to 
your ministry, or do you think there would be some benefits?

> but when I watch the evening news, it sure is not depicted that
> way!
> I will say that once I witnessed to a man in his home, having been
> invited in.  I was in his home for more than an hour.  When I left his
> home, a young man was outside and said that he knew someone who wanted
> to talk to me.  He led me in a direction to find this person, but it was
> all a ruse.  As he ushered me to go ahead of him, he retrieve a baseball
> bat from some hidden place and hit me over the head from behind.  I
> guess you could call this physical persecution from some whacko when I
> was not threatening to him in the least.  To finish the story: I don't
> remember even being hit, just waking up with him standing over me with
> the baseball bat in his hand.  I got up and said, "I forgive you.  God
> bless you."  I reached out my hand to shake his.  With his jaw dropping
> and a stunned look on his face, he dropped the bat in order to shake my
> hand.  I then left immediately because I had a friend who was waiting to
> pick me up.

DAVEH:  Interesting story.  Thanx for sharing it.

> So I see your point here Dave, but I never experienced arrest or media
> coverage for provoking societal unrest until I started public preaching.
> And I must point out that preaching is what God has chosen to spread the
> gospel, and preaching is not going into people's homes and talking one
> on one.  Preaching is a public declaration and heralding of God's Word.

DAVEH:  Though I'm not sure I totally agree......Thanx for your perspective on this.

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Dave Hansen
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