Carrolll Moore wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: 11/28/2003 2:26:53 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Re: [TruthTalk] The Value of Sin?
  DAVEH:  My latest comments are in GREEN......


   [EMAIL PROTECTED]>DAVEH:  As I understand Protestant theology, God created Satan and knew what Satan would do.  He also created Adam and Eve and knew what they were going to do.  Unless God intended for Adam/Eve to 'fall', why do Protestants place them in a situation where he knew they would fall?  Or better yet, why did God create Satan, knowing all the trouble he would ultimately cause?

jt: Satan was originally created to be the covering cherub over God's throne and that worked until he became obsessed with his own beauty and decided that he was smarter than God.   However, God made provision for this before the foundation of the world so He was two steps ahead.

Dean writes:

 Judy, Mormons view the fall of Man as a good thing that allows them to work themselves to Godhood. Their offering to God is Cain's offering to God which was the works of his hands-same as Satan' way of using the fig leaves to cover one sinful nakedness in the sight of God-which God rejected for his covering which requires the shedding of blood-and uses those skins to cover the shame of man.The Mormon Priest even use the fig leaves as a unholy sacred object to be worn by their priests-We use them to swat flies outside their unholy temple

DAVEH: you consider this behavior by anti-Mormon protesters to be a form of obnoxious mockery?
because Satan used this to send /them their children to hell thus we dishonor it for the lie it is.

 Dave Hansen
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