Stop this sin now or I will burn you in a devils Hell".
DAVEH:  Is that the manner in which you (or any other Christian) would threaten your children in an effort to change them, Carroll?
#Dean writes:
 No DaveH I would not but I am not God with the right to take or give life. To look at this from another view-DaveH if you found out that one of you children was a serial killer and that you were the only one that could stop him-and the only way to stop him was to kill him-would you do so?
DAVEH:  Perhaps the introductive mocking turns folks off before they hear the last part.
# Dean writes:
Perhaps not.

-be careful or you won't reach a the higher heaven and you comrades will and be greater than you due to you offending me to angering me type of nonsense.DAVEH:  I'm not sure which remark you are referring to, Carroll. If one offended you, it was not my intention and I will offer an apology.
 # Dean writes: No, Dave you have not offended me in the least-so there is no need to apologize to me but God is due a big apology by all Mormons- We are Christians preaching not protestants protesting

 Dave Hansen
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