Judy, I am sure Jeff heard ridiculous things on TT, but like DaveH and Blaine, when they DO hear the truth on TT it is as foolishness to them.

Subject: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of My Nephew Jeff
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 06:47:36 -0500

Hi Kevin & Perry:
DavidH's nephew Jeff wrote, and DavidH posted:

"The things he was saying were more rediculous than ANYTHING I ever heard
Truth Talk."

The Bible explains it:

1 Corinthians 2:14 - "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the

Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know
because they are spiritually discerned."

I don't know that the above applies here... think about the ONE thing the
newphew tells us that he said:

Well anyway he invited us to this Bible study.  We watched him preach,
then went into the (......), and he tried to bash with us.  I have come
to new conclusions.  The things he was saying were more ridiculous
than ANYTHING I ever heard on Truth Talk.  I am so grateful that
we are not being led by the blind.  This is one thing he said.

I asked him, "Why would God create somebody to send them to
Hell?  Did he know that?

Him:  Of course.  God is Holy, He is just.  He knows everything.
That person was CREATED to give Him glory by going to Hell.

me: How's that???

Him: By proving that God is just. . .

Send that to Dave. . . See what he thinks.

I don't see that the above is spiritual at all, that pastor would have
been better of saying that he didn't know.  What he did say sounds
more like Calvinism than Bible to me and IMO this is why cults have
so much success out there.  People who profess Christ don't know
enough of what His Word says to give an answer for the hope that is
in them.  It's not our place to judge who is or who is not going to

The scriptures teach that it is not God's will for ANY to perish. He
would that all come to the knowledge of Truth even though in His
omnipotence He knows they won't and He does not rejoice when
the wicked die... so how does this bring Him glory?

This just adds to the confusion out there.


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