I think Blaine may be a RM and was offended at my RM illustration.
Maybe he takes great pride in his mission.
Sorry he took it personal, it was not aimed at him as an attack on his person.
A RM, is an affront to the many missionaries that buried their children & wives on a foriegn field. If anything would make a person consider going home, burying your whole family might. Struggling to survive, to minister, and to translate the scriptures in to the native tongue for years. When a devastating fire totally destroys all of the translation work & printing equipment, including originals. William Carey continued on in spite of just that. He buried children and a wife. He did not Return. Some left lives of ease to labor for the master in pain & sorrow. Many that struggled for years on obscure and distant fields, without much reward on this side. Many would look to be failures in the worlds eyes. But in the words of Judson who toiled for years, without one convert. "we scatter seed on Burmas barren plain, we reap on Zions Hill" He never saw, that reaping this side of eternity, but Burma did yield great numbers of souls, afterward, because of his pioneering work.
The RM story, was my observation of the difference between a Real Missionary and a Wanna Be.
There are RM (Real Missionaries)'s and there are RM's 

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Blaine wrote:
> These are all personal attacks to one degree or
> other Kevin. Rules of TT are commonly broken by
> you, but the rest of us have to toe the line, huh?
> Why is this, Kevin? Also, I recall your epithets
> from prior posts--seems like we were all labeled
> a bunch of thinskinned sissies!! Right Kevin?

Blaine, please stop. You are the one who started this latest volley of
ad hominem attacks. Kevin is the one who I grilled last time and he was
most gracious in his response. We all have problems at times not making
the discussions become personal. Please work toward helping one another
stick to discussing the issues rather than focusing upon the individuals
speaking. Your post here is nothing but ad hominem arguments against
Kevin. We all have to work better at keeping focused upon the subjects.
Do you think we can work together on this, even if we are of different
religions? I hope I can count on you to let the epithets roll off of
you like water off a duck's back.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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