In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:02:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

wouldn't worry about the tongues thing.  Paul said it was the least important of all the gifts.  

Absolutely.   For me, Terry, for years --  almost 40 -- I could not raise my hands in worship.   And when I finally did that, it was such a distraction in and of itself.   The single most important event in my life was a sermon by a preacher who said (in 1997) :   "Do yourselves a favor and obsess on the Lord for just seven days.   Only Christian songs.  No news.   No newspaper.  Nothin but Jesus."  It took me a few days, but I decided to try it.   I even disconnected by cable TV  !!!!!!!!   Anyway, for me that "event"  lasted almost two years.    It was during that sojourn that I experienced this filling.  Gal. 3:27 says this:  "All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."   What if Paul is speaking of obsessing about Christ, or immersing yourself into Christ (isn't that what "baptizo" actually means, immersion?).  Just a thought.  

A brother

John Smithson

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