David Miller wrote:
2.  Jesus is presented as a Judge, which means that Jesus casts people
into hell.  He does so from anger, from "the wrath of God."  God is
angry with the wicked and hates them, but Torrance claims that God
continues to love them even when they "damn themselves."  It is bogus to
think that anyone in their right mind would choose damnation of hell.
Consider the rich man in Luke 16.  He didn't want to be in Hades.  He
begged for Abraham to allow Lazarus to go warn his brothers.  If God had
offered him a way out of there, he surely would have took it.  To
suggest that sinners choose hell and that God is such a sissy that he
would never cast anyone into hell as a form of judgment makes a mockery
out of Scripture.
DAVEH:  I may have misunderstood something you said previously, DavidM.....or, I may have forgotten what you said.  I thought you implied that the judgment is to determine rewards that one receives after either going to heaven or hell.  IOW.....the judgment in itself does not determine whether one goes to heaven or hell.  Did I get that all screwed up?
Dave Hansen
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