I appreciated your previous post , Kay, and shared it with others.  It was they who alerted me to the 613 extrapolated points of Judaism not being exactly what is in the scriptures.  Your observations about what would apply hold true, however, for the actual commandments that are in the scripture, regardless of the total number of them.  --Marlin
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] 613 Commands

Slade's wife willingly obeys God's commands. I am not under 613. I believe I already did a post regarding this....there are not 613 commands for any ONE person. There are commands for just men, just women, just Levites, etc. Last I checked, I was not a man. None of the laws concerning men concern me. Nor am I a Levite, none of those laws concern me (and there are a TON of those). I'm not a part of the Sanhedrin ( a judge in a court), nor am I a King of a country, I don't own a company or have hired employees, I don't have any slaves. Are you getting the picture? Should we disobey the laws for moral character?
Don't be afraid of the number...your state has a ton more laws than Scripture on its statutes.

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