On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 09:03:12 -0600 "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Judy, how many times must you be told this to remember it: NO one on TT has EVER said that we still observe the rites of the temple, because there no longer IS a temple.  Can you remember that?


jt: I'm not able to recall everything that everyone on TT has EVER said Izzy. However, the temple rites, feasts, and sacrifices were all given under the law of Moses and go together under the Mosaic Covenant.


NOW, to move on….what objection do you have to the OTHER commandments of the Bible?


jt: I don't have any objection to ANY commandment of the Bible because every Word of God is good. However, why put people back under that kind of bondage when we have been given liberty in Christ? 


Kay has been listing every one of them, and so far I don’t believe you have objected to keeping a single one of them.  This is your one chance to do so. 


jt: Oophs! I didn't realize that silence would be taken as 'blanket' approval.  Guess I was just a bit overwhelmed with all the discussion of beard, goatees etc. Holiness by way of hair.


Otherwise, do not throw out a blanket objection to “the OT Law”, okay?  Please review them and let us know.  Thank you, Izzy


jt: I haven't thrown out Kay's emails and I do appreciate the effort but don't see the wisdom in all that when love will fulfill all of it.  My goal is to have my soul purified so that I can walk in His love but keeping these outward ordinances is not how this happens.  Judyt



Judy responds:: I agree with the above Izzy - The Levitical Law has to do with the Levitical Priesthood and the animal sacrifices, feasts, and everything having to do with the earthly temple and it is explained in Hebrews 9 and 10. This and the Talmud are no longer relevant according to my understanding.  Judyt.




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