jt: Jonathan once more pointing the finger
with four of them pointing back at himself. You made the statement that Matt Drudge WAS homosexual based on some very flimsy suggestions by a website so scuzzy that I felt in need of a bath after I went there once.  OTOH I qualified my statement even though Arafat's pederasty is an open secret and has been documented in books and articles for years.
Jonathan how is it that you never want to discuss issues and ideas?  Your focus seems to be always on the person?
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 09:52:07 -0500 "Jonathan Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Often on this forum I feel like I am pointing out the obvious.  Judy, Izzy posted a WorldNetDaily article dealing with ‘reported’ stories of Arafat being a homosexual.  You then brought this into a conversation with Slade.  You admit that it is something that is just ‘reported’, not necessarily truth.  A few weeks ago your gums began flapping when I posted information stating that Matt Drudge was ‘reportedly’ a homosexual.  You thought that such reports should not be made public since they were not verified.  The Straight Up Question:  Are you ever aware of your own hypocrisy?




We are supposed to have our senses exercised so that we are able to discern between good and evil. Yassir Arafat is reportedly a homosexual terrorist who steals from his own people keeping them impoverished and bound; he respresents the epitomy of evil. 


REPORTEDLY???? Since you don't know, why did you bring it up? 


jt: I didn't bring it up Slade, Arafat has been the topic of discussion on this list all week, where have you been?


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