Bill wrote:
> The writer to the Hebrews uses the passive
> participle on numerous occasions (see, e.g.,
> my post to Kevin).

Sure, for other words, but I have searched the Scriptures and Papyri for 
"hagiazomenous" and I cannot find its usage in other sentences.  Words often 
take on nuances and sometimes even idiomatic expressions.  It is not enough 
to identify the proper conjugation of a word in order to know its meaning in 
an ancient language.

Bill wrote:
> Sometimes the King James translators elected
> to convey that passive voice; other times they did
> not. If on every occasion that the passive were used
> the translators had rendered the verb as you suggest
> below, you may have a point: that "are sanctified" can
> connote a present passive; however, they did not do this.
> Hence their translation is a mistake, at the very least,
> because it is misleading: witness Kevin and Judy's response.

I don't know why you would insist that the translators must always translate 
a particular way for me to have a point.  The fact that they do not supports 
my point rather than takes away from it, because I am the one who is not 
being dogmatic about actual meaning here.  Nevertheless, I am simply 
pointing out that in ENGLISH, the phrase "are sanctified" 'is a present 
passive construction just like the Greek (and so is "are being sancitifed"). 
Adding the word "being" as you suggest might better convey what is being 
communicated here, or it might not.  Some of the modern Greek scholars like 
to emphasize repeated action in this kind of situation, but sometimes they 
might overdo it.  We really need more usage of this word to know for sure. 
The Greek might even be conveying a more middle of the road connotation that 
could be taken either way or even both ways.  We don't have enough usage to 
really make a determination about this for sure, in my opinion.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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