If you have specific questions about the policy, we have an email
address you can send them to: twitter_...@twitter.com

I unfortunately don't have answers for you beyond what's presented in
the FAQ and the Terms of Service.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Dewald Pretorius <dpr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Taylor,
> Read this part of that FAQ: "Paid Tweets injected into any timeline on
> a service that leverages the Twitter API (other than Promoted Tweets).
> This applies to any Twitter stream, whether user based, search based,
> or other."
> Do you realize how confusing that is?
> 1) Does it mean I can publish a paid tweet via the API? (I know I can,
> but someone who just reads the FAQ won't be able to figure that out.)
> 2) Does it mean I can inject "tweets" into any displayed timeline, as
> long as they are not "paid tweets"? If so, it means I can insert
> entries that look exactly like tweets, except they did not come from
> Twitter and they contain my affiliate link.
> You guys really need to sit down and read all these things through the
> eyes of people who are not privy to your internal discussions,
> decisions, and understanding of the matter. And then write your TOS
> and FAQs so that everyone can understand them.
> On May 26, 1:20 pm, Taylor Singletary <taylorsinglet...@twitter.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> We recently updated our Advertising FAQ to answer many of the
>> questions that you may have.http://bit.ly/twitter-ad-faq
>> Taylor
>> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Liz <nwjersey...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I hope some answers are forthcoming, James. Twitter doesn't seem very
>> > talkative.

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