Jerry Banker wrote:
> Don't go there. I personally hate, is hate too strong a word,
> having to go to a group site to find out what is going on.
> From: "Mike Preece" 
>> What do people think of the idea of moving this list to a google
>> group instead? 

Jerry and others, Google Groups sends e-mail as well as providing a web
interface - this is something that's widely misunderstood.  I'm subscribed
to a few mail lists via Google and have only had a couple minor issues.
Google Groups puts their mail lists side by side with Usenet (a completely
different protocol for which usenet readers are available), which can be
confusing but helpful too.  So for example, many people get
comp.databases.pick (usenet) and the jBASE and QM forums, all in their
e-mail, and they think it's all just an e-mail medium - others only read
these forums via browser because their employers ban forums at work or for
other reasons.

I didn't support Mike's initiative to create a U2 Google Group because at
the time I didn't see a perceived need.  The big problem as I see it now is
that there are so many people that would need to make a change, so now,
only for this reason, I still don't fully support the proposal.  At this
point however, I think the idea should at least be reconsidered.  The
current subscriber list can be imported into the Google Group, everyone
would be auto-subscribed, and then people would just need to bookmark the
new list address for new posts.  It wouldn't be such a big deal really and
there would be benefits.

Up to 8 cents now on this topic, oops.
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