Robert, there you have my favorite phrase "If maintained properly" - no matter what development practices, the key is to maintain the documentation so that the next change request can be reviewed against an accurate understanding of the system (particularly in light of the diverse tools now being used to access the systems - web products, SQL, and a whole host of query tools that make it more complex than ever to identify all the ripple effects from what one might think is a "simple change").

Susan Lynch
----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Porter" <>
To: "U2 Users List" <>
Sent: 10/14/2009 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Unibasic: Sample Program

Agile and Scrum (basically agile 30 days sprint cycles) doesn't mean the system does not get documented. It just means a more iterative process with decisions being made later in the cycle. "Welcoming the change request" does not mean that the change doesn't get documented. It means the documents change with the times. If maintained properly, the docs should be more likely to be correct. For many of us, we have external forces such as accrediting agencies that require us to maintain such documentation.

BTW, if you haven't seen it before there's a product called OnTime from that works well in an agile shop. Check out the Scrum in 10 minutes video ...


Robert F. Porter, MCSE, CCNA, ZCE
Lead Sr. Programmer / Analyst
Laboratory Information Services
Ochsner Health System

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