Hey group:
I have mixed thoughts on this whole thread. Personally, and as the new U2UG 
president, I am so excited about helping move U2UG forward, but at the same 
time, am challenged by some of the thoughts expressed herein.
I've served on the U2UG board since it's inception, and since the beginning 
have had the privilege of working with many U2UG members who chose to serve as 
board members  including Dawn Wolthuis, Brian Leach, Clif Oliver, Results 
(Charles Barouch), Wol (Anthony Youngman), FFTnnnn (Will Johnson - Fast Forward 
Technologies), Dana Baron, Kevin King, Susan Joslyn, Ross Morrissy,  Baker 
Hughes, Glen Sallis, Kevin Zollinger... to name just a few!  A remarkable group 
of folks from all over the world - volunteers - to help form and solidify our 
Moving forward, I congratulate David Jordan (Australia), and Jay LaBonte (US 
East coast), on their new positions with the 2011 board, and thank *everyone* 
who has served as a board member in the past.
In addition, there are so many others helping our group regularly who *aren't* 
board members - hosting the web site, managing the mailing lists, paying for 
registration of our web sites, etc... I *know* we *all* share one thing - 
passion of all things U2 (or whatever flavor).
* Do we need help? YES!
* Do we have challenges? YES!
* Can we move projects forward? YES!
* If we had money, could we spend it to help the group? YES!
* Do we need you to help? YES!
After all, this is *your* user group.
A closing message for members of the group to ponder... "Success can not be 
achieved by looking inward at each other, but instead, by looking outward 
together in the same direction".
Please feel free to email me directly (laura at lhirsh dot org) with any ideas, 
thoughts, suggestions. I thank each of you in for the part you play in the 
U2/MV community.
As Dawn W. often said, "Onward and upwards". Let's keep it going!
Laura Hirsh
-----Original Message-----
From: "David Jordan" [da...@dacono.com.au]
Date: 03/21/2011 03:22 AM
To: "U2 Users List" 
Subject: Re: [U2] U2UG Elections 2010 - Request For Comment

The user group is for the users. If any user has an idea that we can put into a 
business plan then we can put it to Rocket and Rocket will respond on the 
merits of the plan. What is difficult at the moment is what we can do. Rocket 
advertises the user group in its emails, at the U2 University. Susie regularly 
advertises the user group in her presentations around the world. Every U2U bag 
has a U2UG advert paid for by Rocket.

The issue of membership is about relevance to users. For a user who is using a 
ERP solution, they are more interested in belonging to the ERP solution user 
group than the U2 User group. So who is our audience, ISVs, consultants, 
programmers, etc. Both George in the UK and Brian in Australasia advertise the 
user group to their ISVs. However the ISVs rarely advertise to their customer 

We all wish we could get the message out there more, but what we need is ideas 
more than money.

David Jordan

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