David -- This is Will who was on the original U2UG board with us --
seems like a long time ago, eh?  --dawn

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 5:43 PM, David Jordan <da...@dacono.com.au> wrote:
> First Fft2001 Can we have your name.  How do we know that you are not someone 
> from a competitor like Oracle trying to make Rocket look bad.
> Secondly the focus on money is pointless.  We don't need money we need ideas. 
>  If anyone has a good idea and it needs some money from Rocket to make it 
> happen, then I am sure that Rocket will consider it.  Rocket is not like IBM 
> who were sucking money out of U2 to push DB2, Rocket brought U2 to grow the 
> business and if you have any ideas that will grow the business they will 
> listen.   Throwing money at a problem does not solve it.  The board have 
> racked their brains trying to come up with ideas to touch base with all 
> users, if anyone has ideas let us know.
> Thirdly the directors don't have the time to do everything that is required, 
> many hands make light work and we need more involvement of other users.
> Regards
> David Jordan
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Dawn M. Wolthuis

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