In a message dated 3/21/2011 3:43:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> First Fft2001 Can we have your name.  How do we know that you are not 
> someone from a competitor like Oracle trying to make Rocket look bad.  
> Secondly the focus on money is pointless.  We don't need money we need 
> ideas.  If anyone has a good idea and it needs some money from Rocket to make 
> it happen, then I am sure that Rocket will consider it.  Rocket is not like 
> IBM who were sucking money out of U2 to push DB2, Rocket brought U2 to 
> grow the business and if you have any ideas that will grow the business they 
> will listen.   Throwing money at a problem does not solve it.  The board 
> have racked their brains trying to come up with ideas to touch base with all 
> users, if anyone has ideas let us know.
> Thirdly the directors don't have the time to do everything that is 
> required, many hands make light work and we need more involvement of other 
> users.

Here's twelve hundred and thirty google pages, to tell you who I am

The focus on money is not pointless.  Here's an idea (which costs money), 
send a postcard to EVERY person on Rocket's tickler file.  And when I say 
every, I do mean every, saying "Please join U2UG and we'll send you a free 
skateboard"... or whatever.

I got a skateboard from a vendor with whom I *don't even do business*.  No 
business with this vendor, ever.  From Rocket I don't even get a phone call. 
 AND I PROMOTE THEM!  :)~~~ so there.

That will grow the business by not shrinking the business.  I just had 
another encounter, with *yet another* Mv prospect who is completely 
from the mv world except through their VAR.  What that means is that if the 
VAR pisses them off, they will be completely disconnected.  That means, the 
executive level will then say, "Oh this system is old, nobody uses it, lets 
get something bright and shiny..." and off we go.

"The board has racked their brains..." how about an actual phone call from 
an actual Rocket salesperson?  The last time anyone from universe under 
Ardent or under IBM or under Rocket has even *called* me was probably back in 
2001.  The internet makes people foolish, thinking that they can continue to 
do business, easier now all by email.  What happened to the days when 
salespeople actually visited sites?

Anyway to what kind of outreach are you actually referring here?  Throwing 
money at a problem *does* solve the problem, if the problem requires money 
in order to make it happen.  Not everything is free.

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