Or maybe there could be a way for us to download them in a zipped format?  Probably 
too much data though huh?  BTW, I too want to pay my respects to Clif for hosting the 
list.  I have learned so much just by reading through other peoples 
problems/experiences and by the direct responses to my own problems.  Thanks to all of 
you for being such a wonderful resource for me.  There have been many times over the 
past 5 years that I have been here that people have been kind enough to bail me out in 
my hour of need.

Many thanks to you Clif and to all who have helped me out soooo much!
> >I have a simple-minded idea that may increase the value of the U2UG website
> and prevent us from loosing the huge amount  >of already accumulated
> knowledge that resides in this list.  Would it be possible to transfer the
> posts to the list to    >the website?  I know that there may be some legal
> wrangling and space considerations to deal with but I for one would    >hate
> to loose the knowledge that has been generated by this list.
> Glad you asked that - I was thinking the same thing - or wondering where the
> archives would be held!
> -- 
> u2-users mailing list
> http://www.oliver.com/mailman/listinfo/u2-users
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