Proof of "seek and ye shall find." Thanks

I have the archiver hooked up to it so it will
archive the technical content. I am sure the site has archiving ability,
but if you want the "whole she-bang" back to the heady-90's we have here. will include the u2 list content and the technical
groups content from


On Mon, 29 Mar 2004,
Eppel,Gary wrote:

> I just tested the subscribe button on the Universe Forum and I am
> definitely receiving new posts as email. Unfortunately, to reply to the
> posting you have to do so on the webpage (there is a link provided in
> the email) :-(  So it's half-way there in terms of the comments/wishes
> I've seen so far in this discussion.
> Would be nice if we could reply directly to the forum using a normal
> email reply.
> Gary Eppel
> Cerner Corp.
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Wendy Smoak
> Posted At: Monday, March 29, 2004 11:23 AM
> Posted To: Informix-mv
> Conversation: The lists are closing
> Subject: RE: The lists are closing
> Lee Leitner wrote:
> > The archives for the lists (which go back to the mid-90's)
> > would remain for now at
> > Is there a general opinion that the email lists should
> > continue? How can we avoid then having two separate, disconnected
> > places for information -- the list and the U2UG forums?
> For me it has to be email or newsgroup.  I will not be as active in a
> forum that requires using a web browser as I will in an email list or
> newgroup.
> However, it looks like you can "subscribe" to the forums on,
> which I hope means that forum postings will arrive via email.  If that's
> true, then if you have only email access at work, you should still be
> able to participate once you join and subscribe.
> Thanks, Clif, for hosting these lists.  Without them, I never would have
> gotten all of my  UniObjects for Java stuff working, nor been able to
> help so many other people get started.
> --
> Wendy Smoak
> Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
> ASU IA Information Resources Management
> --
> u2-users mailing list
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> ---------------------------------------- --
> --
> u2-users mailing list

Lee J. Leitner, Ph.D.                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The world can only be grasped by action, not by
contemplation. The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.
                              -- Jacob Bronowski V.13.0
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