Listen, Will "the blind, deaf and possibly dumb" Johnson

Are you hearing nothing? There are those of us who don't
live in the
land of the mighty dollar. We have to pay for our traffic,
we have
employment contracts that forbid us from internet access
during the day,
yet we still need access to U2 info.

What do _you_ suggest we do?

I've subscribed to your glorious forum, I get wee posties
saying there
are people talking about juicy thangs, but I cannot get to
see these.

What do _you_ suggest I do?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 29 March 2004 09:03
To: U2 Users Discussion List
Subject: Re: The lists are closing

1) We DO want to leave the archives at indexinfocus.
2) We DONT want to replicate the archives onto u2ug
3) We DONT want the lists to continue

Go to the web site, and enter each forum you are interested
in and click
on SUBSCRIBE this will make all responses come to your email
box just as
they do now.  You can register, but if you dont SUBSCRIBE
you wont be
seeing nothing.... Will

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