2006/12/21, Nacho de los Ríos Tormo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Nacho de los Ríos wrote:
> >
> >> The icons suck, and the metaphors suck. They have to be replaced
> >>
> >
> > Very counterproductive and negative approach.
> >
> > Free software design has a little growing room, and you could get in on
> > the ground floor by providing positive techniques to overcome these
> > sorts of issues.
> >
> > Perhaps offering up a design plan, an alternative, or something to build
> > on might be more applicable?
> >
> > There are many that _might_ agree with your position, however, the
> > manner in which you state it will garner zero attention.  It doesn't
> > take much effort for a seagull to fly over and poop on the crowd below.
> >  It _does_ take a good deal of effort to engage the issues and work to
> > resolve them.
> >
> > Once again, it is always easier to tear down than build upwards.
> >
> >
> I AM offering suggestions:

You ARE bashing other people work while "offering suggestions" and it
is not the best way possible to do it.
> I said the orange disks are too featureless and so they don't stand out
> from each other, which defeats their purpose.
> I said that the current drawings on the emblems are oversimplified and
> that it is difficult to recognize what they represent, let alone what
> they stand for. I also said that some are ugly, which I believe is
> indeed a problem.

Again I don't think the word "ugly" is a good choice here, "not very
good in my opinion" would sound a lot better.

> By the way, the idea to relate icons with locales is an excellent idea,
> although I'm afraid we don't have the power to bring it forward. It
> would have to be proposed and defended somewhere upstream.
Upstream doesn't have enough man power as well atm.


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