On 31/07/15 21:10, Charlie Moss wrote:
> If you find the system works, stay with it. But don't stay with something 
> just because A, B & C are using it, as B maybe be staying with it
> because you, A & C are using it, C maybe be staying with it because you, A & 
> B are using it, etc.
You seem to missing the bit where A,B and C need to communicate with each 
other, on IRC I can contact anyone I need from any of those previously
mentioned teams, the only struggle really is my timezone! I don't have to 
find/signup/load a different proprietry chat platform for each
different team.
> I forget the 'phases of progress', basically they are.... outrage, protest, 
> acceptance, contentment (something like that). Gnome, itself,  is
> a fine example of this.
> For me, a new member in any group is gold. There should be a system of 
> 'Befriending'. An old member is connected with a new member to befriend
> them, guide them, make them feel welcomed, connect them with other members, 
> assess their abilities and ultimately allocate them a roll they
> will enjoy and be suited to.  IMHO, this is how to build a community.  But 
> again, if your present system is working well, then stay with it.
We are not here to hand hold you through the process, most people work on 
things that interest them, we don't just stuff tasks down there
throats. Better you would use some initiative and contact the team leader for 
whatever team you were interested in.
> I'm not here to make waves or criticize. 100 people looking at a single 
> painting will see 100 different scenes, yet each of the 100 believes
> there is only painting and therefore there can only be one perspective.
> According to the survey, there are over 200 people ready to contribute.  
> Hopefully, they can all help bring 3.18 to 15.04.
That won't happen, 200 anonymous people said they would contribute, how many do 
you really think would, and how many actually have the
development/packaging skills to make 3.18 happen? Its a month until Feature 
Freeze we can't even train people up that fast if they were really keen.
> Regards,
> *
> *
> *Charlie*
> On 31 July 2015 at 10:43, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm 
> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
>     On 31/07/15 19:12, Charlie Moss wrote:
>     > Thank you for your feedback. It has become clear to me over the past 
> few weeks that I am not suited to contribute to an Ubuntu community. My
>     > enthusiasm to give back to Ubuntu Gnome has not changed, I simply find 
> the system of communication, IRC and Mailing Lists, totally
>     ineffective
>     > and inefficient.
>     IRC is a little antiquated protocol, but it works great for real time 
> conversations, and all open source teams use this, red hat, Canonical,
>     debian, gnome, mozilla etc,. Similar goes for the mailing lists, and I do 
> agree finding the old history can be a little hard, but you
>     should be
>     able to dig it out with some google foo!
>     IRC and mailing lists are the standard tools of the open source world. Do 
> you really think you can change the entire universe on that?
>     >
>     > It is nearly impossible for a new person to get involved, as a topic's 
> timeline is often divided when emails are forked, plus it is easy to
>     > miss a message when they are inserted into the text of the previous 
> email, making catch up very time-consuming.  I'm sure if I suggested
>     using
>     > 'Slack' I would be ignored or receive a list of reasons why it was not 
> suitable, but for me, video communication like Hangouts and threaded
>     > text communication like Slack are presently the most effective systems 
> of collaboration.
>     Its not impossible, just ask someone, I'm sure they will point you to 
> past discussions!
>     You say slack, someone else wants telegram, and then next we know there a 
> people wanting to use a dozen different propriety platforms, that is
>     never going to work. How many upstreams are on slack? probably 0, sure 
> this becomes less relevant for the community teams, but still you
>     should
>     get the point. Using IRC and mailing lists as an excuse for not 
> contributing seems a little lame. The artwork team are on slack or telegram
>     (forget which) and other sub teams are free to do that also if they wish, 
> but I can't see a day where all our comms switch over to slack
>     >
>     > Good luck to you all.  I looking forward to October and the release of 
> Ubuntu Gnome 15.10. I hope it will have Gnome 3.18 as this is clearly
>     > more important to users than 100% stability. If a user requires 100% 
> stability, then they must remain with the LTS.
>     3.18 won't happen in 15.10, unless by some miracle we double our 
> development team....
>     >
>     > Regards,
>     > *
>     > *
>     > *Charlie*
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > On 30 July 2015 at 08:01, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm 
> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm
>     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     >     On 29/07/15 21:29, Charlie Moss wrote:
>     >     > Cool, I'll be there.
>     >     >
>     >     > (Tim/Darkxst. 'Contribute' may seem so clear and simple to you 
> but to me, as some new to such a community, it doesn't.)
>     >     There is no clear cut definition of 'contribute' and it largely 
> depends on which team you are interested in. Most teams you can just
>     join and
>     >     discuss your intests/ideas on their relevant list. Anyway you seem 
> to have been fairly active on the mailing lists so that is a good
>     start!
>     >     Sorry I missed you original thread about video docs, I will reply 
> to that now.
>     >
>     >     Tim
>     >
>     >     >
>     >     > Regards,
>     >     > *
>     >     > *
>     >     > *Charlie*
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     > On 29 July 2015 at 11:53, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm 
> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm
>     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm 
> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>
>     >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>>> wrote:
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >     On 29/07/15 20:22, Charlie Moss wrote:
>     >     >     > I know that I am not part of the core team (or any team as 
> I have not found the secret entrance yet) so will not be invited to
>     >     this meeting.
>     >     >     All our meetings are public if you want to attend, then just 
> do that, no invite needed. as for the secret entrance to get into the
>     >     sub-teams,
>     >     >     its simple contribute!
>     >     >
>     >     >     --
>     >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>
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> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>>
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> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >     >
>     >
>     >
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>     >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>     >     Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com 
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> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
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>     >
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