
I asked for guidance with the videos. Anyway, it's not relevant anymore.

Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't make them a troll. I
am unsubscribing from the mailing list and will not be able to reply.
Please don't CC me with any more person insults.





On 1 August 2015 at 10:10, Charlie Moss <char...@charliemoss.com> wrote:

> I asked for guidance with the videos. Anyway, it's not relevant anymore.
> Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't make them a troll. I
> have left the mailing list, so please don't CC me with anymore person
> insults.
> Regards,
> *Charlie*
> On 1 August 2015 at 09:55, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> On 01/08/15 18:03, Charlie Moss wrote:
>> > Well, I hope you are right. I think new members need guidance rather
>> than leaving things to their own initiative, but I could be wrong.
>> >
>> > Good luck with the project. If you need any help from someone without
>> graphical or programming skills, please email me directly as I'm
>> > unsubscribing from these lists.
>> I already told you that we would love to have a short series of videos
>> introducing ubuntu GNOME/gnome-shell, but you completely ignored that
>> response apparently.
>> Though guess you are just trolling, we have gone so long without trolls
>> on the lists and then 2 in a week. Next one to try that will be booted
>> off into the Hobbit land with the real trolls!
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > *
>> > *
>> > *Charlie*
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 1 August 2015 at 07:52, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:
>> dark...@fastmail.fm>> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >     On 31/07/15 21:10, Charlie Moss wrote:
>> >     > If you find the system works, stay with it. But don't stay with
>> something just because A, B & C are using it, as B maybe be staying with it
>> >     > because you, A & C are using it, C maybe be staying with it
>> because you, A & B are using it, etc.
>> >     You seem to missing the bit where A,B and C need to communicate
>> with each other, on IRC I can contact anyone I need from any of those
>> >     previously
>> >     mentioned teams, the only struggle really is my timezone! I don't
>> have to find/signup/load a different proprietry chat platform for each
>> >     different team.
>> >     >
>> >     > I forget the 'phases of progress', basically they are....
>> outrage, protest, acceptance, contentment (something like that). Gnome,
>> >     itself,  is
>> >     > a fine example of this.
>> >     >
>> >     > For me, a new member in any group is gold. There should be a
>> system of 'Befriending'. An old member is connected with a new member to
>> >     befriend
>> >     > them, guide them, make them feel welcomed, connect them with
>> other members, assess their abilities and ultimately allocate them a roll
>> they
>> >     > will enjoy and be suited to.  IMHO, this is how to build a
>> community.  But again, if your present system is working well, then stay
>> with it.
>> >     We are not here to hand hold you through the process, most people
>> work on things that interest them, we don't just stuff tasks down there
>> >     throats. Better you would use some initiative and contact the team
>> leader for whatever team you were interested in.
>> >     >
>> >     > I'm not here to make waves or criticize. 100 people looking at a
>> single painting will see 100 different scenes, yet each of the 100 believes
>> >     > there is only painting and therefore there can only be one
>> perspective.
>> >     >
>> >     > According to the survey, there are over 200 people ready to
>> contribute.  Hopefully, they can all help bring 3.18 to 15.04.
>> >     That won't happen, 200 anonymous people said they would contribute,
>> how many do you really think would, and how many actually have the
>> >     development/packaging skills to make 3.18 happen? Its a month until
>> Feature Freeze we can't even train people up that fast if they were
>> >     really keen.
>> >     >
>> >     > Regards,
>> >     > *
>> >     > *
>> >     > *Charlie*
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     > On 31 July 2015 at 10:43, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:
>> dark...@fastmail.fm> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm
>> >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>> wrote:
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >     On 31/07/15 19:12, Charlie Moss wrote:
>> >     >     > Thank you for your feedback. It has become clear to me over
>> the past few weeks that I am not suited to contribute to an Ubuntu
>> >     community. My
>> >     >     > enthusiasm to give back to Ubuntu Gnome has not changed, I
>> simply find the system of communication, IRC and Mailing Lists, totally
>> >     >     ineffective
>> >     >     > and inefficient.
>> >     >     IRC is a little antiquated protocol, but it works great for
>> real time conversations, and all open source teams use this, red hat,
>> >     Canonical,
>> >     >     debian, gnome, mozilla etc,. Similar goes for the mailing
>> lists, and I do agree finding the old history can be a little hard, but you
>> >     >     should be
>> >     >     able to dig it out with some google foo!
>> >     >
>> >     >     IRC and mailing lists are the standard tools of the open
>> source world. Do you really think you can change the entire universe on
>> that?
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     > It is nearly impossible for a new person to get involved,
>> as a topic's timeline is often divided when emails are forked, plus it
>> >     is easy to
>> >     >     > miss a message when they are inserted into the text of the
>> previous email, making catch up very time-consuming.  I'm sure if I
>> >     suggested
>> >     >     using
>> >     >     > 'Slack' I would be ignored or receive a list of reasons why
>> it was not suitable, but for me, video communication like Hangouts and
>> >     threaded
>> >     >     > text communication like Slack are presently the most
>> effective systems of collaboration.
>> >     >     Its not impossible, just ask someone, I'm sure they will
>> point you to past discussions!
>> >     >
>> >     >     You say slack, someone else wants telegram, and then next we
>> know there a people wanting to use a dozen different propriety
>> >     platforms, that is
>> >     >     never going to work. How many upstreams are on slack?
>> probably 0, sure this becomes less relevant for the community teams, but
>> still you
>> >     >     should
>> >     >     get the point. Using IRC and mailing lists as an excuse for
>> not contributing seems a little lame. The artwork team are on slack or
>> >     telegram
>> >     >     (forget which) and other sub teams are free to do that also
>> if they wish, but I can't see a day where all our comms switch over to slack
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     > Good luck to you all.  I looking forward to October and the
>> release of Ubuntu Gnome 15.10. I hope it will have Gnome 3.18 as this
>> >     is clearly
>> >     >     > more important to users than 100% stability. If a user
>> requires 100% stability, then they must remain with the LTS.
>> >     >     3.18 won't happen in 15.10, unless by some miracle we double
>> our development team....
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     > Regards,
>> >     >     > *
>> >     >     > *
>> >     >     > *Charlie*
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     > On 30 July 2015 at 08:01, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:
>> dark...@fastmail.fm> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm
>> >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:
>> dark...@fastmail.fm>
>> >     >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>>>
>> wrote:
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >     On 29/07/15 21:29, Charlie Moss wrote:
>> >     >     >     > Cool, I'll be there.
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     > (Tim/Darkxst. 'Contribute' may seem so clear and
>> simple to you but to me, as some new to such a community, it doesn't.)
>> >     >     >     There is no clear cut definition of 'contribute' and it
>> largely depends on which team you are interested in. Most teams you
>> >     can just
>> >     >     join and
>> >     >     >     discuss your intests/ideas on their relevant list.
>> Anyway you seem to have been fairly active on the mailing lists so that is
>> >     a good
>> >     >     start!
>> >     >     >     Sorry I missed you original thread about video docs, I
>> will reply to that now.
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >     Tim
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     > Regards,
>> >     >     >     > *
>> >     >     >     > *
>> >     >     >     > *Charlie*
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     > On 29 July 2015 at 11:53, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm
>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm
>> >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:
>> dark...@fastmail.fm>
>> >     >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>>
>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>
>> >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>
>> >     >     >     <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>
>> <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm <mailto:dark...@fastmail.fm>>>>> wrote:
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >     On 29/07/15 20:22, Charlie Moss wrote:
>> >     >     >     >     > I know that I am not part of the core team (or
>> any team as I have not found the secret entrance yet) so will not be
>> >     invited to
>> >     >     >     this meeting.
>> >     >     >     >     All our meetings are public if you want to
>> attend, then just do that, no invite needed. as for the secret entrance to
>> >     get into the
>> >     >     >     sub-teams,
>> >     >     >     >     its simple contribute!
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >     --
>> >     >     >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>> >     >     >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>> <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>
>> >     >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com> <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>
>> >     >     >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>>>
>> >     >     >     >     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >     --
>> >     >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>> >     >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>> <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>
>> >     >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>>
>> >     >     >     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >     --
>> >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>> >     >     Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:
>> Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com> <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >     <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com>>
>> >     >     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >     >
>> >
>> >
>> >     --
>> >     Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
>> >     Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-GNOME@lists.ubuntu.com
>> >
>> >     Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-gnome
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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