On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 23:28 +1000, Sarah Hobbs wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> You clearly missed the lesson on whitespace, and actually using the
> enter key.  Please go back and learn it, because your posts are very
> painful to read otherwise - to the point where people just ignore them.
> And i suspect you'd do well to read this:
> http://pandagon.blogsome.com/2007/04/13/how-to-not-be-an-asshole-a-guide-for-men/
> I can't really see the point in making any other comments, not only due
> to the lack of readability of the mail, other than to reiterate the
> suggestion of reading the above article.
> Hobbsee
> Jeremy Anderson wrote:
> > 
> > Melissa had directed me to this study also.  Thank you both for sending
> > me to the site.  I have finally read the documents on this and I have to
> > say that I have more understanding of what you are talking about but the
> > study has a lot of flaws.  First off out of the industry there are very,
> > very few people that would cooperate in a study like this.  Many because
> > they are just too darn busy.  So, IMHO, I don't think think the numbers
> > could ever be right.  Second, because I have been in this industry for
> > as long as I have I have seen many many many women excel and love the
> > industry.  Have they had some difficulties with a minority of "asses"
> > that may be educated in technology?  Surely....  but educated in the
> > technology doesn't mean educated in morality.  All of the great minded
> > women that I have dealt with have said that they give very little
> > thought to it because these are close minded people and know matter how
> > hard you fight the system and them they will more than likely not ever
> > change.  There are too many good minded people in the industry to make
> > the minority be a problem to them.   What point am I making.  No matter
> > how many studies or how well you know what you are doing there is always
> > going to be someone that doesn't get it.  Back to my original
> > e-mails.... These close minded people have no power over someone that
> > knows who they are.  Male or female.  Are there going to be more women
> > move toward technology?  Maybe, maybe not.  Do I want there to be?
> > Anyone that is qualified to do the job at hand has my thumbs up.  If
> > they are not quite qualified but have the intention to be, they get a
> > thumbs up.  The ones that saturate this market with half heartedness,
> > that I think is plaguing  the industry, should be targeted and relieved
> > of there positions.  Most of the people that women are dealing with in
> > the issue we are discussing come from this group of people.  Why?
> > Because they know they don't know what they should and feel better by
> > trying to bring down their peers.   I have more to say on this but I
> > really need to work.  I will read the documents from the study again in
> > case I missed something.  Just remember before you flame me.  I am for
> > women growing in this industry...
> > 
> > Jeremy
> > 
> > 
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Thank you for sending me to that site.  This gave me some good insight.
Just so you know most of my e-mails go through proof reading by female
individuals before I send.  So, they are probably scared of me and don't
want to tell me that I am not correct.  So, I will STFU because the best
way to live life in this day and age is to squelch what you are saying
if the subject gets too rough.  I would like to find a solution to the
problem and that is why I was being outspoken on the subject.  

I find though that the only ones to be able to solve it must be women,
because the men should STFU.

Thanks for listening... I will officially sign off on this subject and
turn it over to my wife and female friends.  

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