snarlydwarf;543421 Wrote: 
> No.
> External, Internal, doesn't really matter.
> "/dev" is for devices.  These are low level things.  "/dev/sdc" is just
> the raw drive itself.  It has no files, it has no directories, it's just
> a giant bucket of bits.
> A filesystem is something that gives meaning to that bucket of bits. 
> It may be vfat/fat32 Windows type structure, or it may be ntfs (windows
> NT, and XP an later), or ext2 ("native linux").
> /dev stuff is like a blank book, or a book with smears of letters.  The
> filesystem adds a table of contents, chapters, pages, index, etc.
> The 'mount' command links a file system with a device.
> So in your case, you have /dev/sdc5:
> /dev/sdc5 88402 120853 260667392 83 Linux
> That's a partition (a section of the hard drive) starting at block
> 88402, running to 120853  for a total size of 260G.
> If that's the partition you want to use for music, you need to attach
> it to the filesystem.  That's where mount comes in.
> WHERE you attach it is entirely up to you.  Some places are ... odd.
> '/dev' is for raw device stuff and you don't want a raw device thing. 
> '/etc' is used for system config stuff, and that's not right.. etc.
> Logical places would be under '/home' (for where users files go) or
> '/media' (since some people like that and its somewhat descriptive).
> If you want, say, "/music", you will first need to create a 'mount
> point' so you can put it there.  Much like you shouldn't toss stuff
> randomly in a file cabinet... you should make a new file folder and
> toss stuff in THAT.
> So:   mkdir /music
> Will make an empty folder to put stuff in.
> chmod 755 /music
> will make it it is readable
> chown john /music
> Will make it so that YOU own that empty folder.
> Now, we don't want to copy the -contents- of the drive to that folder. 
> We want to take your drive and sort of fuse it into things.
> So:
> mount /dev/sdc5 /music
> Says "take the physical bucket of bits, and make it usable as a
> filesystem at /music"
> In windows sense, that's "take the USB drive and attach it to F:"
> Well, after more years of Unix than I like to think about, it's second
> nature to me, and Windows with its drive letters confuses me.
> ("What the heck, I don't HAVE floppy drives, why do we start the
> alphabet with C??")
> That Wiki page isn't quite right for you if you're using ext2 (that
> partition labelled Linux).  It's mainly to get around that Linux wants
> permissions and Windows usually doesn't, so it's more about "how to
> fake permissions on a windows drive" than anything about USB.

The hard drive already has music on it- about 600 gb or so. I'm not
sure why it is showing different partitions- probably because I first
used the drive on a Windows XP computer before moving to Ubuntu. 

Anway, for whatever reason, the partitions are smaller than the amount
of files on the drive. Might as well pick the largest partition:

j...@john-desktop:~$ mount /dev/sdc1
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on
mount failed

No, scratch that. What's the syntax, then? Do you type "mount X
filesystem Y device"? It says the partition is already mounted- on the
external drive as I have it currently named. And I haven't yet created
a new directory. What am I missing here? Let me see, and go back and
read your post a little more carefully....

Here's what I ended up doing:

j...@john-desktop:~$ mount /dev/sdc1
mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdc1 is already mounted on
mount failed
j...@john-desktop:~$ ^C
j...@john-desktop:~$ mount /dev/sdc1 /media
mount: only root can do that
j...@john-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media
[sudo] password for john: 
j...@john-desktop:~$ mkdir /music
mkdir: cannot create directory `/music': Permission denied
j...@john-desktop:~$ sudo mkdir /music
j...@john-desktop:~$ sudo chmod 755 /music
j...@john-desktop:~$ sudo chown john /music
j...@john-desktop:~$ mount mount /dev/sdc1 /music
mount: only root can do that
j...@john-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /music

Doesn't work. The page to load the place to put the music still doesn't
see it. And, now I can't browse in that hard drive either. Did we create
a directory here? Where is it? I'm not seeing a media directory
anywhere. Nothing like that in my home folder, or under "computer."
Well, it did SOMETHING anyway. What did I screw up here?

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