snarlydwarf;543377 Wrote: 
> It's now 'squeezeboxserver'.  The numeric value will depend on whatever
> is installed on your system (ie, it asks for an available number and
> gets whatever your system says is the next free one).
> 'cat /etc/passwd' and you'll see something like:
> squeezeboxserver:x:123:65534:SqueezeBox,,,:/usr/share/squeezeboxserver:/bin/false
> The '123' is the userid of the server on my system.  Yours is quite
> likely different.
> A partition is 'mounted' onto the file system.  The term comes from
> ancient days when disk packs where actually mounted into a huge
> cabinet.  'mount' (and all its variations: automounters, etc) takes a
> partition and inserts it into the file system.  My external drive is
> usually mounted at /mnt, but that's just me, since it's not a permanent
> mount.  Only mount (and fstab, mtab, etc) need to know that "/dev/sdc1"
> is "/mymusic" or whatever.  SBS, and everything else would refer to it
> by the "mount point", or where it is attached to the file system.
> You should be able to... if you had permissions.  I have machines with
> thousands of users on them, so it would be bad to allow anyone to
> change permissions.  You can only change permissions on things you own.
> You can't change permissions on things you don't own.  ('root' owns
> everything though...)
> But that's not related at all to SBS, it's the way Unix works.
> See above.

OK, for the command:
cat /etc/passwd
I get:

What does this do for me? I'm still in the dark on how to actually get
this thing working.

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